What we provide?

We Balloon Supplier Singapore have a wide selection of latex and Mylar balloons. For Latex, we have them in solid or pearl color as well as printed ones and they will come in different sizes.

Mylar or foil balloons, we have solid color, holographic printed with designs and we have variety of sizes and shapes. In addition, we have a Sing-a-tune and Airwalkers balloon too.

Balloon Supplier provides

Confetti Balloons :

These balloons is most ideally use on events like roadshows and major big events when it reaches to the climax of the event or the end of the event the crew will pop the confetti balloons and confetti will shower on all of the guests for a celebration.

Cluster Balloons :

Cluster are made of helium-inflated rubber balloons which also can have gondola or a harness that carries a pilot.

In addition, cluster are controlled in flight by jettisoning or deflating balloons or by jettisoning the ballast.

Hopper Balloons :

This balloon is very small, one-person hot air balloon, very similar to standard hot air balloons but with one seat or a harness. Because of their size, their flights last only 1 to 1.5 hours.

Letters and number balloons :

These kind of balloons is very ideal to use it in parties especially birthday parties as it basically shows how old the person is like a simple “Happy Birthday” as for someone will mean a lot to them.

Fun things to do with Balloons

Here are some things you can do with balloons, You can fill it up with water and put in the bucket and throw it at your friends for a water balloon war! Or you could twist and twirl the balloons to make an animal like a dog or rabbit it can be interactable as well as you twist the balloon to a balloon bracelet and you can do any kinds of stuff with balloon version like a balloon sword and many more!


you can look up to our website: https://balloonparty.sg/

Visit us here for more services.

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