A musuem that display balloon scultures.
All types of creation thats made out of balloon will be displayed in the museum.
in this museum we not only showcase balloon sculptures.
we also let people understand the culture and history of balloons.
the theme for this balloon museum will be “together we will touch the sky”.
in this museum we will have a section which displays hot air balloon, balloon sculpture made out of latex balloon, lastly not missing out helium balloons.
some countries are unable to let people experience how its like to be on hot air balloon, hence many dont have an idea how a hot air balloon looks like in real time.
by visiting this museum they will get to experience how it feels to be in a hot air balloon.
balloon sculptures are uncommon in the streets, though many know it exsist. its extremely rare to be able to have a look on a huge balloon sculpture thats almost three level high.
how we will use helium in balloons museum?
we will fill the room with helium balloon on strings.
everyone is entitled to write their wishes on the helium balloons thats in the room.
there after they will be bronght to back yard to release the balloons to the sky.
the rough journey of this meuseum will be starting off, the hot air balloon section, followed by the sculptures lookout, and lastly wishes on helium.
starting this museum may not be the best idea.
as many may just experience it once and its a nonprofit meuseum.
still, we want to let every individual, enjoy and learn more about balloons.
we do also have a small booth, for everyone.
displaying some cartoon and animal balloons for people that is interested to purchase it.
click here to learn more
click here to purchse balloons